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Student Progress

Homework expectations

The purpose of homework is to practice, confirm and extend learning. It also helps children develop the study habits they will need throughout their school careers and is an opportunity for parents to be involved in their child’s learning. Students in grades one through five will be assigned nightly reading of take-home books. Additional homework in other content areas will also be assigned on a nightly basis.

Field Trips

Field trips are an important part of the learning process. Each grade level plans two trips a year to enhance the curriculum. All school policies and procedures are in effect during a field trip. Parents who volunteer to chaperone a field trip are obligated to follow school policy and procedure, as such chaperones may not bring siblings or other children on a field trip. Chaperones must have clearances on file with the district. Please note, due to unforeseen circumstances or weather conditions, a field trip may suddenly need to be canceled on the day of the trip and rescheduled at a later date.