Our staff values open and regular communication with parents, as it's essential for successful educational programs.We encourage parents to stay in close contact with their child’s teacher regarding academic progress and other important matters. Please don't hesitate to inform the school of any events that may impact your child’s learning experience.
To speak with a teacher, you may call the office to leave a voicemail or email the teacher directly. Calls and emails will be returned as soon as possible. If concerns arise throughout the year—about classroom incidents, homework, or academic progress—your first point of contact should be your child’s teacher.
Newsletters and updates from the school office will be sent via email, along with PTL information. You can also find important details on the Penn-Delco School District website, the school’s webpage, and individual teachers' Schoology pages.
To ensure you receive school and district updates, please update the office immediately with any changes to your contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers. You can also update this information in your Skyward account. Be sure to communicate any changes with the front office so the school nurse has up-to-date information as well.
Parent Teacher League (PTL)
The Parent Teacher League of Parkside is vital to the success of many school events and programs. Funds raised by the PTL are used to provide a plethora of student activities, assemblies, awards, supplies, etc. The PTL membership drive will begin on Back-to-School Night; dues are $5.00 per family. PTL meetings are held monthly at 6:30 p.m. in the school library. All parents/guardians are invited to attend the meetings; please see the school calendar for specific dates.
Recent Parkside Newsletters
- January 24, 2025
- January 10, 2025
- November 25, 2024
- November 11, 2024
- October 24, 2024
- October 14, 2024
- September 30, 2024
- September 11, 2024
- September 8, 2024
- August 30, 2024
January 24, 2025
Hello Parkside Families,
Please note the following reminders!
The Mobile Dentist Returns February 7, 2025
Does your student need to see the dentist? We are excited to partner with The Smile Program: My School Dentist to offer in-school dental care on February 7, 2025.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires a dental examination upon entrance to school (kindergarten or 1st grade) and in grades 3 and 7. Those who need a dental exam, regardless of grade, can sign up to be examined at Northley Middle School. Learn more and register at
Important Calendar Reminder:
Friday, February 14 was incorrectly listed on the printed activities calendar distributed to families in the fall. This date is a HALF DAY for students in grades K-12 for teacher in-service. February 14th is an 11:15 Dismissal & Monday, February 17th is a District Holiday and all buildings are closed. Thank you for your understanding!
As January comes to a close, please reach out if you need assistance or have any questions or concerns.
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
610-497-6300 Ext. 6500
January 10, 2025
Hello Parkside Families,
January has been frosty thus far, bringing us our first (of two) Snow Days! If we have to use the second snow day, any future inclement weather would potentially become a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). If the need arises, we will communicate the schedule and expectations to families when it becomes likely.
In other weather-related news, the cold has not allowed for us to have outdoor recess for the majority of this week because of the frigid wind chills outside. We will have outdoor recess on cold days that are near or above freezing throughout the winter. During the winter months, please advise your child against wearing shorts to school—if they must wear shorts, please have them layer with under armor so that their skin is covered. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately and has a coat, hat, gloves, etc… for outdoor play. If you are in need of any of those items, please reach out to Ms. Sayre and we can assist.
For the month of January, we will be focusing on Resilience and Habit 4-Think Win-Win. The book I Am Courage by Susan Verde will be our school-wide read aloud! Please encourage your child to read books about persevering through challenging situations this month or read to them at home!
Lastly, Penn-Delco Cares invites the community to join a special webinar to better understand and address anxiety in children. This follow-up session led by Troy Brindle, LCSW, will focus on supporting anxiety strategies related to the use of technology and social media. Learn more about this webinar at It will be available via Zoom on January 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm; you are asked to register in advance. Anyone who registers will be provided with the slides, but the Webinar will not be recorded, so please attend if it is relevant for your family!
Coming Up Soon:
January 17th: Early Dismissal at 11:15 for Teacher In-service
January 20th: No School for Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday
February 14th: Early Dismissal at 11:15 for Teacher In-service
February 17th: No School for President’s Day Holiday
From the School Counseling Department:
Parkside Food Bank - If your family is in need of food, you can email for info on the hours of operation. The food bank is located at the Parkside Fire Station.
From the School Nurse:
‘Tis the Season for viruses, colds, and flu! Please remind your child that hand-washing and using good hygiene practices will help stop the spread of germs! Please remember that if your child has a fever, they should remain home from school until they are fever-free without medication. They should also stay home if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Once they are symptom-free for 24 hours, they may return.
The Mobile Dentist Returns February 7, 2025
Does your student need to see the dentist? We are excited to partner with The Smile Program: My School Dentist to offer in-school dental care on February 7, 2025.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires a dental examination upon entrance to school (kindergarten or 1st grade) and in grades 3 and 7. Those who need a dental exam, regardless of grade, can sign up to be examined at Northley Middle School. Learn more and register at
From the PTL:
Thank you to all those who helped with Winterfest! Just a reminder to parents that in order to have special events, we do need parent/guardian volunteers! If you do not have your clearances and would like to help out at school or PTL events, attend a PTL meeting and we can get you help to complete your clearances.
With the cancellation of the January meeting, our next PTL Meeting is on Wednesday February 12th at 6:30 in the Library! This is the first meeting of 2025, so please come out and get involved so that our children have all of the great things PTL has provided to the school in previous years!
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the Library
Finally, parents, I need your help! Please review arrival and dismissal procedures using the link to our Handbook below. With the colder weather comes more car riders and more traffic at the school. Please observe safe parking/driving habits in the school carline and parking lots. Please do not block cars in to a spot by parking them in. I have received multiple complaints about the Playground Lot being unsafe, so please do your part in being patient and only using the lot if your child cannot be picked up in car line. The only parents that should be parking in that lot are those who have young children that need to be buckled into a car seat or booster. All other parents picking up by car should be using the car line. I know many prefer to avoid the traffic, and walking in the cold is not ideal, but creating avoidable hazards in the back parking lot is not the answer either. Please reach out to me if you would like to discuss options or alternatives, I am happy to collaborate to improve our practices or find a solution that works better for individual circumstances. However, with only one driveway, we do not have many options to consider so it is vital that parents and pick up adults follow the expectations set forth in the Parkside Handbook to preserve safety over convenience.
Check out the Webpage to see the most up to date information. I encourage you to look at the Parkside Calendar at the bottom of the page for the cycle days and other important events. I also encourage you to read through the Parkside Handbook to review important guidelines for attendance, discipline, etc…
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out. I can be reached by email at or by phone at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
November 25, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
PTL has alerted me that tomorrow, Tuesday November 26th, one of our students earned a ride to school with the Parkside Police as a reward! Please do not be alarmed by our friend arriving to school with a police escort--there is no emergency at the school.
It was great to see so many parents this afternoon at conferences! Tuesday, we dismiss again at 11:15 and will hold day and evening conferences. Please be prompt for your conferences; lateness causes a domino effect that will throw off a teacher's conference timeline. Thank you for helping us stay on schedule!
We are dismissing for the rest of this week at 11:15, please alert your child's teacher to any changes in dismissal. School is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday. School resumes on Monday, December 2. If your child needs a picture retake, click on the link below in the calendar for details.
Coming Soon:
November 26 & 27: 11:15 Dismissal
November 28 & 29: SCHOOL HOLIDAY
December 2: Picture Retakes
December 10: Winter Concert
December 20: 11:15 Early Dismissal
December 23-January 1: SCHOOL HOLIDAY
January 2: School Reopens
As always, please email or call if you have any questions or concerns. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
November 11, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
Special thanks to 5th grader, Charlotte Cantwell, who honored our Veteran's at the Brookhaven Veteran's Day Service last week where she read her original essay about what being a veteran means to her. We at Parkside are so thankful for the sacrifices and service of our Veterans and we are happy that Charlotte and other Parkside students showed their appreciation this past week.
As you know, the Parkside Fire Company visited us last month to read our monthly school-wide book Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do and to talk about fire safety planning. This connected to our Leader in Me Habit 1-Be Proactive! The Family Emergency Planning Contest entries will be taken up until Friday, November 15th, please have your child turn them in before then to be considered for the prize!
For the month of November, we will be focusing on good sportsmanship and Habit 2-Begin with the End in Mind. The book The Way Champs Play by Naomi Osaka will be our school-wide read aloud! Please encourage your child to read books about sports this month or read to them at home! We will have help from some friends for our November read aloud, stayed tuned for more details!
Coming Up Soon:
November 19: PTL Joe Corbi’s Pick Up 4:00-6:00
November 25, 26, 27: 11:15 Early Dismissal for Fall Conferences
- Fall Conferences—Sign Up HERE by selecting the link of your child(ren)’s teacher.
November 28 & 29: SCHOOL HOLIDAY--Thanksgiving
December 2: Picture Retakes
December 10: Winter Concert
December 20: 11:15 Early Dismissal
December 23-January 1: SCHOOL HOLIDAY--Winter Break
January 2: School Reopens
From the School Counseling Department:
Parkside Food Bank - If your family is in need of food, you can email for info on the hours of operation. The food bank is located at the Parkside Fire Station.
From the School Nurse:
It’s that time of year, again—cold and flu season will be here before we know it and we’ve already seen the “Back to School” germs take their toll on some. Remind your child that hand-washing and using good hygiene practices will help stop the spread of germs! Please remember that if your child has a fever, they should remain home from school until they are fever-free without medication. They should also stay home if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Once they are symptom-free for 24 hours, they may return.
From the PTL:
Thank you to all those who helped with Fall Bingo! Just a reminder to parents that in order to have special events, we do need parent/guardian volunteers, but we also need the adults that accompany students to the events to monitor their child. At Fall Bingo, some of the behaviors made it difficult for volunteers to manage the event. To be clear, students MUST be accompanied by an adult to attend PTL functions and those adults must monitor and address their child’s behavior to ensure a fun and safe event for all.
We had a great turn out for October and we would love to see some new and returning parents at our November PTL meeting on Wednesday November 13th at 6:30 in the Library! This is the last PTL meeting of 2024, so please come out and get involved!
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the Library
November is in full effect and the fall weather is upon us. Please have your child layer their clothing in the “-ber” months so that they are comfortable in varying temperatures. If you packed an extra outfit for your child, please make sure you change it out for a seasonally appropriate one as the weather continues to change.
We are looking forward to the best school year yet for 24-25! Check out the new Webpage to see the most up to date information. I encourage you to look at the Parkside Calendar at the bottom of the page for the cycle days and other important events. I also encourage you to read through the Parkside Handbook to review important guidelines for attendance, discipline, etc…
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out. I can be reached by email at or by phone at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
October 24, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
Just a reminder that there are several important events coming up! Please see the reminders below:
Upcoming Events:
TOMORROW: October 25-Wear PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness! PTL is hosting Fall Bingo & Book Fair 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
Next Week: October 28-November 1: Red Ribbon Week—Making Healthy Choices Themes—Click HERE for details
October 29: PICTURE DAY—Click HERE for ordering online
November 4 & 5: No School—Teacher In-service Days
November 25 & 26: Fall Conferences—Sign Up HERE by selecting the link of your child(ren)’s teacher.
From the School Counselor:
Parkside Food Bank - If your family is in need of food, you can email for info on the hours of operation. The food bank is located at the Parkside Fire Station.
Holiday Assistance - If your family is struggling financially and you need assistance with holiday gifts for your children, please fill out this link by October 21.
From the School Nurse:
It’s that time of year, again—cold and flu season will be here before we know it and we’ve already seen the “Back to School” germs take their toll on some. Remind your child that hand-washing and using good hygiene practices will help stop the spread of germs! Please remember that if your child has a fever, they should remain home from school until they are fever-free without medication. They should also stay home if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Once they are symptom-free for 24 hours, they may return.
From the PTL:
Remember that if you want to help out with events like Fall Book Fair or Fall Bingo, we need volunteers, but you must have current clearances! Call the office if you need to check the status of your clearances.
We had a great turn out for October and we would love to see some new and returning parents at our November PTL meeting on Wednesday November 13th at 6:30 in the Library!
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Library
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
October 14, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
Big thanks to those who attended the Homecoming Parade on Friday Night, it was a great turn out and a fun evening. It was great to see so many Parkside students, teachers, parents and friends representing our school community! Special thanks to the PTL and Stitch the Panther for making the event fabulous!
October is in full effect and the fall weather is upon us. Please have your child layer their clothing as we move into the “-ber” months so that they are comfortable in varying temperatures. If you packed an extra outfit for your child, please make sure you change it out for a seasonally appropriate one as the weather continues to change.
Coming Up This Month:
October 18: No School—Teacher In-service
October 25: Pink Out—Dress in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
PTL Fall Bingo 6:00-7:30 Multipurpose Room
October 21-25: Fall Book Fair in the Library—See Teacher’s Schoology for Class Schedule
October 28-November 1: Red Ribbon Week—Making Healthy Choices Themes—Click HERE for details
October 29: PICTURE DAY—Click HERE for ordering online
November 4 & 5: No School—Teacher In-service Days
November 25 & 26: Fall Conferences—Sign Up HERE by selecting the link of your child(ren)’s teacher.
From the School Counseling Department:
Students seemed to have settled in and are happy when they walk past me in the lobby each morning. If your child is struggling to get to school (getting upset, ill, or anxious), please contact me for assistance.
Group Counseling: I run both intervention and counseling support groups for students throughout the year. Intervention groups target skills students need direct instruction on such as social skills, coping skills, emotional regulation, executive functioning, etc. Students are selected for these groups based on data. Counseling support groups such as new student group, changing families, or grief help students process thoughts and feelings related to life situations. Groups typically last 6-8 weeks and require parent permission.
The following counseling support groups are forming now:
- Grief - Has your child lost a loved one recently that they were very close to (parent, sibling, grandparent, close family member) and spent a lot of time with? If they benefit from learning coping skills for grief, please click this link to access the permission slip. If you are unable to print the permission, please email stating you give permission for your child to participate in this group by October 18. Before doing so, please talk this over with your child to ensure they are comfortable participating in a group to talk about their feelings/do activities related to the loss.
- Changing Families - Have there been changes in your family dynamic or circumstances that have been difficult for your child to cope with? This includes students with parents that are separated/divorced, students being raised by someone other than their biological parents, students with family members incarcerated/deployed, etc. This group will focus on coping strategies for change, identifying positive ways to communicate and express feelings, and how to deal with adversity. If you think your child would benefit from this group, please click this link to access the permission slip. If you are unable to print the permission, please email stating you give permission for your child to participate in this group by October 18. Before doing so, please talk to your child to ensure they would like to participate.
Parkside Food Bank - If your family is in need of food, you can email for info on the hours of operation. The food bank is located at the Parkside Fire Station.
Holiday Assistance - If your family is struggling financially and you need assistance with holiday gifts for your children, please fill out this link by October 21.
From the School Nurse:
It’s that time of year, again—cold and flu season will be here before we know it and we’ve already seen the “Back to School” germs take their toll on some. Remind your child that hand-washing and using good hygiene practices will help stop the spread of germs! Please remember that if your child has a fever, they should remain home from school until they are fever-free without medication. They should also stay home if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Once they are symptom-free for 24 hours, they may return.
The Health Heroes Vaccination Clinic is coming on October 29th. Register to participate by October 23rd—CLICK HERE for the information.
From the PTL:
Remember that if you want to help out with events like Fall Book Fair or Fall Bingo, we need volunteers, but you must have current clearances! Call the office if you need to check the status of your clearances.
We had a great turn out for October and we would love to see some new and returning parents at our November PTL meeting on Wednesday November 13th at 6:30 in the Library!
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Library
We are looking forward to the best school year yet for 24-25! Check out the new Webpage to see the most up to date information. I encourage you to look at the Parkside Calendar at the bottom of the page for the cycle days and other important events. I also encourage you to read through the Parkside Handbook to review important guidelines for attendance, discipline, etc…
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out. I can be reached by email at or by phone at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500.
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
September 30, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
September is coming to a close and we are ready to welcome October and the fall weather. Please have your child layer their clothing as we move into the “-ber” months so that they are comfortable in varying temperatures. Lunch bags, water bottles, hoodies, etc… have been left and the “Lost & Found” is already filling up! Use a sharpie to write your child’s name on their belongings to avoid lost items—if we know who it belongs to, we can return it to them.
There are two in-service days to be aware of in October! October 9th is an 11:15 dismissal and October 18th is a full day in-service. Please let your child’s teacher know if they will dismiss differently on half days!
Thank you for following all of our arrival and dismissal procedures; there are a few areas that could use some attention. Please help us to continue to improve by parking in the playground lot and walking up to get them if your child requires you to get out of the car at arrival or dismissal. The car line is intended for quick drop off and pick up. Helping to keep the car line moving quickly helps us be good neighbors to the businesses we are adjacent to and keeps the Edgmont Avenue traffic flowing. If you decide to park and walk up at dismissal, please let your child’s teacher know to send them outside as a walker and you will meet them in the playground area.
Finally, we would like to thank concerned parents and the Parkside Borough for responding to a walking safety concern for those crossing over from Brookhaven. An additional crossing guard has been added to address this concern. In addition to the existing crossing guards, there is now a crossing guard at Tom Sweeney and West Garrison Roads. Parents, please discuss with your child the route that you designate as a safe path to school. We also encourage families to discuss safety protocols with their child, like walking free of distractions—no phones or devices, staying on the designated path, following the directions of the crossing guards, etc… to set them up for a safe and happy walk to and from school.
Coming Up This Month:
October 9: 11:15 Dismissal; PTL Meeting 6:30 pm
October 18: No School
October 25: PTL Fall Bingo
From the School Counseling Department:
If you would like a resource for building healthy digital habits—CLICK HERE
From the School Nurse:
It’s that time of year, again—cold and flu season will be here before we know it and we’ve already seen the “Back to School” germs take their toll on some. Remind your child that hand-washing and using good hygiene practices will help stop the spread of germs! Please remember that if your child has a fever, they should remain home from school until they are fever-free without medication. They should also stay home if they have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Once they are symptom-free for 24 hours, they may return.
The Health Heroes Vaccination Clinic is coming on October 29th. Register to participate by October 23rd—CLICK HERE for the information.
If you are able to share with us, we really need leggings, sweat pants, & hoodies. We no longer need t-shirts! Also, we can always use new, unopened packages of children’s underwear, especially in small children’s sizes for both boys and girls—any donations would be appreciated.
From the PTL:
We would love to see some new and returning parents at our October PTL meeting year on Wednesday October 9th at 6:30 in the Library! We will be planning for Fall Bingo and can only host these types of events if we have parent volunteers to help plan and run them.
Thank you to those who have joined PTL and paid your dues for the 24-25 school year!
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Library
We are looking forward to the best school year yet for 24-25! Check out the new Webpage to see the most up to date information. I encourage you to look at the Parkside Calendar at the bottom of the page for the cycle days and other important events. I also encourage you to read through the Parkside Handbook to review important guidelines for attendance, discipline, etc…
If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out. I can be reached by email at or by phone at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
September 11, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
Back to School Night is tomorrow night! This event is geared towards parents & guardians to receive an overview of school and classroom programming for this year. This not the time for individual conferences, so if you need to speak to a teacher or the counselor about your child specifically, please request an appointment to do so. We are happy to meet and discuss the needs of our students at an appropriate time!
Please see the schedule for Back to School Night below:
6:30 to 7:00 – Library & Room 101-- Specialist Teachers will be available in the Library and Reading Specialists and Interventionists will be in Room 101 for parents/guardians who would like to meet them and discuss their programs.
7:00 to 7:25 - Auditorium/Gymnasium-- Principal's Greeting, Introduction of Faculty, School Programs Overview
7:30 to 7:50- Session 1 -Classrooms Teacher Presentations Special Education Teachers are available in 106 (Sola) & 207 (Scargill & Seaman)
7:55 to 8:20- Session 2- Classrooms Teacher Presentations Special Education Teachers are available in 106 (Sola) & 207 (Scargill & Seaman)
From the School Nurse:
The Health Heroes flu vaccination clinic is coming next month on October 29th CLICK HERE for detailed information! If you are interested in having your child vaccinated at school, please fill out and return THIS FORM to school or REGISTER ONLINE on or before October 23, 2024!
From the Parkside PTL:
The next PTL Meeting is TONIGHT at 6:30 pm in the Library!
Thank you for reading this information carefully, please call or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
610-497-6300 Ext. 6500
September 8, 2024
Hello Parkside Families,
The transition back to school was great and we had a wonderful first week! I think our Eagles spirit day on Friday helped the Birds pull out the win on Friday night! We will have Parkside and “home” team spirit days throughout the school year because the staff is very dedicated to Philly sports teams, but students may wear gear from whoever their favorite team happens to be. Looking ahead to next month, definitely be ready for Red October—Go Phils!
Thank you for preparing your children for the return to school and for following all of our arrival and dismissal procedures. Please help us to continue to improve by making sure your child knows their dismissal routine. If they are a car rider, help us to teach your child their dismissal number. This will help us be efficient and safe as we dismiss the building. For this week, kindergarten will dismiss at 3:15—their usual dismissal time.
Coming Up This Week:
Monday: Day E
Tuesday: Day F
Wednesday: Day A; PTL Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Library
Thursday: Day B; Back to School Night (details below)
Friday: Day C
From the Principal:
Back to School Night is on Thursday night! CLICK HERE to see the schedule. This program is planned to inform the parents/guardians and does not require your child(ren) to be present.
From the School Nurse:
Welcome Mrs. Betsy King, our school nurse! Nurse King has been with the Penn-Delco School District for many years and we are pleased to have her as part of our school community this year. In preparing the Nurse’s Office this year, we found that we are in need of extra clothing. If you are able to share with us, we would love your clean, gently used clothes in all children’s sizes—athletic shorts, leggings, sweat pants, & t-shirts. Keep us in mind if you are cleaning out the closets! Also, we can always use new, unopened packages of children’s underwear, especially in small children’s sizes for both boys and girls—any donations would be appreciated.
From the PTL:
We would love to see some new and returning parents at our first PTL meeting of the year on Wednesday Night at 6:30 in the Library! Thank you to those who have joined PTL and paid your dues for the 24-25 school year! We will be at Back to School Night for those who would like to join that night as well.
Next PTL Meeting: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:30 pm in the Library
We are looking forward to the best school year yet for 24-25! Check out the new Webpage to see the most up to date information. If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, please reach out. I can be reached by email at or by phone at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
August 30, 2024
Dear Parkside Parents & Guardians,
Welcome back! We are so pleased to begin the 24-25 school year! Our teachers and staff are ready to welcome your child(ren) on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. For the 1st day of school, please include a note with your child to let the teacher know how your child will dismiss the first day of school—see details below. On the first day of school, your child will receive an “All About Me” form that includes important information, like how your child will arrive and dismiss from school. Please return that and any other paperwork provided on the next day of school.
September Save the Dates:
9/3—First day of school for Grades K-5
9/12—Back to School Night (More information to follow)
9/27—Half-day: Teacher In-service 11:15 Dismissal
Universal Free Breakfast
Students will have the option to receive free breakfast each morning beginning at 8:35 am. If your child would like breakfast, they will get into the cafeteria line upon arrival and eat in the cafeteria. If they arrive after 8:50 but before 9:00, they will be able to grab their breakfast and go to their classroom. Please arrive before 9:00 am if your child plans to eat breakfast at school. CLICK HERE to see the breakfast menu!
Lunch will cost $2.90 per day for those who choose to buy. The lunch menu is on our webpage, CLICK HERE for quick reference. If you need to apply for Free and Reduced Lunch program, please CLICK HERE for more information or to apply online.
6 Day Cycle for Related Arts
This year we are adding a Guidance class to the student’s weekly special/ related arts rotation to further enhance their educational experience. This course will be taught by a school counselor and teach life skills alongside the academics including leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, and adaptability.
All students will attend 6 areas of related arts classes including Music, Art, PE (2 times per week), Technology, and Guidance. In order to fit this in, a 6-day cycle is required to run the Related Arts schedule. Only Related Arts classes will run on this schedule. This will begin on the first day of school with September 3 marked as Day A. The days will be named A through F and can be found on the Parkside Webpage and will be communicated by the classroom teachers via Schoology. Refer to the calendar that includes the letter days—I have also created a “cheat sheet” by teacher to make this an easier transition. This will be important for families to know so they know when their child needs their sneakers for gym or the instrument for band!
Grades K-5 Arrival - Students may begin arriving at school no earlier than 8:35 AM. There is no staff supervision prior to 8:35 on school grounds.
Students who are car riders in grades K-5 will be dropped off using the car line and they will be directed to enter the school through the main entrance doors. Traffic will be directed through the circle and staff will be on hand to guide students into the building. Please remain in a single car line, pulling all the way around the circle. Wait for the car in front of you to exit, please, do not try to drive around other vehicles.
Kindergarten parents, if you drive your child and would prefer to park and walk them up to the school, please feel free to do so by parking in the playground lot. Please only enter the car line if you will not have to exit your vehicle! Once you and your child have the routine down, you can transition to the car line if you prefer.
All grades K-5 students only will go directly to the gymnasium upon arrival to school through the main entrance to the building on the first day of school. Teachers will greet the students once they arrive in the gym.
Students who arrive after 8:50 a.m. are considered late and must report the lateness in Safe Arrival or have a signed late note. If a student does not report the lateness in Safe Arrival or have a late note, the lateness will be considered unexcused.
Grades K-2 Walkers
Walkers: Grades K-2 may not walk home independently; they must be met by a parent/guardian or other adult. The teachers will bring students out onto the basketball courts to be dismissed to their designated adult. Please do not pull your child out of line until the teacher releases them to you--this ensures that each child is dismissed to the proper adult. If an upper grade child is to walk their Grade K-2 sibling, a parent must send this request via email/Schoology message to both sibling’s teachers. Kindergarten walkers will dismiss at 3:10 for the first week of school until the routine is established. If you plan to drive, park, and walk up to retrieve your child, please list them as a ‘walker’ so that they will meet you outside. If you list your child as a car rider, they will be transitioned inside to the car line and will not be outside to meet you.
Grades 3-5 Walkers & 1-5 Car Riders PM Dismissal
Upper Grade Walkers: Beginning around 3:20, students will be released by grade level—5th grade will be called first, followed by 4th grade, followed by 3rd grade. If an upper grade child is to walk their Grade K-2 sibling, a parent must send this request via email/Schoology message to both sibling’s teachers.
Grade K-5 Car Riders: Parents will enter the driveway and circle area and give the child's last name to the adult collecting information for the first day's dismissal. Please note: Your child will receive a car number on the first day of school. Beginning September 4th, car rider numbers must be clearly displayed in the car line at pick-up. If you do not plan to use the carline frequently, just put the number in a safe spot in case it is needed.
In order to maintain safety, car riders will not be released until walkers have left school grounds—at approximately 3:25, students will begin dismissing out the main doors by car number. Students will be walked out by a staff member and supervised getting into their car. This is the same process as last year for those familiar. Please remain in a single car line, pull all the way around the circle, wait for the car in front of you to exit; please, do not try to drive around other vehicles.
In order to be safe, car-rider dismissal will take time—we have found that as staff, students, and pick up persons become familiar with the process again, it will decrease in time over the first few weeks of school. Please be patient while we all acclimate to the process!
We are prepared, ready, and excited to welcome your children back to school. Please email Mrs. Young at or call the main office at 610-497-6300 Ext. 6500 if you have questions. We look forward to an amazing school year with our students and families!
Tara Young
Parkside Elementary
Chain of Inquiries
First Level >Teacher/Employee
Second Level > School Counselor
Third Level > Building Principal/Immediate Supervisor
Fourth Level > Superintendent or Designee
Fifth Level > PDSD Board